Concepts and special solutions

Core competence and concepts

Our target groups 

We are convinced that by focusing on a specific client group (medium sized companies, turnover > 25 Mio. €) we are able to offer an excellent consulting service. Our exclusive consulting concept becomes interesting when the standard package is not enough.

Our concepts are created according to our clients’ requirements. Our expertise lies in carrying out risk analyses and developing demand-oriented concepts. Therefore, we never offer the same concept twice. We are your insurance manufactory.

Our exclusive
support concept of RMK 

We offer our clients an exclusive service.

Your support team consists of highly qualified employees that are all experts in their own field of work. The client manager coordinates the team and is your contact person at the same time. Every client consultant at RMK supports a maximum of 10 to 15 industrial clients, depending on the client’s size.

We want to guarantee that your contracts will not only be maintained but are managed, modified to match new requirements and are always up to date. Every employee is responsible for the contract management and claim settlement – so you always have the same contact person. This is an absolute novelty in our industry.

Special RMK-solutions 

  • Industry-specific concepts (textile coverage)
  • Fleet management (C³, reduction of claim ratios)
  • R.I.S.A. (Valuation reports for your fixed assets)
  • Central reporting system (1 questionnaire for all RMK-divisions)
  • Benchmark portfolio analysis (stress test of your contracts: comparison with other contracts in the same insurance section)
  • Automated tender process (standardized, regularly)
  • Insurer rating (Selection guide)
  • Worldwide Cat-Net-Evaluations (Evaluation of natural risks per site)
  • Master agreements (with our own wordings and Master Policies)
  • Annual RLP-(rating-)check secures a maximum risk proximity and prices
  • Structured evaluation of capital (with a guaranteed waiver of underinsurance that includes the international sites)
  • Fire protection consultation and fire protection concepts
  • Plausibility check as a tested controlling tool for your foreign subsidiaries

(A selection of our special solutions)

Customer acquisition

Audit mandate or
security expertise of RMK

Before receiving a comprehensive mandate we usually prepare a security expertise that includes a valuation survey by using our valuation software R.I.S.A. For this purpose, we receive an audit mandate from our potential client (including a fee agreement).

A high success rate speaks clearly for our quality – because RMK receives a mandate in 8 out of 10 cases after such a valuation. With our structured actions and our detailed tender documents (your application portfolio in the insurance world) we are able to create transparency and avoid quite excessive safety margins.

Brief RMK-analysis  

We offer online checks to find out, if further action in your current risk management system is needed. We evaluate the quality of the present support and the coverage concept as well as the premiums by carrying out a benchmark analysis and a quotation without a previous data-collection process at your site.

The better the quality of the data provided by you, the better their validity and our recommended actions.

RMK policy check 

The policy check requires the least effort from you to figure out, if we can improve something for you. We review an insurance policy selected by you to see if the terms and conditions correspond to the current market level.

But this is just the first step, because the policy check doesn’t replace a full analysis.

(Comprehensive) Broker mandate
based on a guarantee promise

In return for your trust in us you receive our guarantee promise. We commit ourselves in advance and assure you of the savings and improvements we can achieve at the minimum. In the worst-case scenario we can’t fulfill our promise. In this case we will make up for the discrepancy between our promise and the actual results for one year by reimbursing your additional costs.

If we receive the comprehensive mandate immediately we can provide you with even more comprehensive services and negotiations. The comprehensive broker mandate also includes a security expertise. With this, we can negotiate on a whole new level – we can even involve your current insurer in our negotiations and tenders. By doing this we can achieve even better results.

We aim to meet the global needs of medium-sized companies

Most of our clients have their own foreign subsidiaries – like production companies, sales companies or legally dependent companies. We are organized to meet the global needs of medium-sized companies and support our clients worldwide.

Therefore, we have many years of experience in obtaining international insurance programs.

integrated insurance programs 

At concept level, the ideal solution is always an integrated program (master insurer = local insurer) or at least a coordinated program (master insurer ≠ local insurer) for our main sections (liability, property, business interruption and transport). So-called mixed concepts are also possible. Because of our flexibility we can take your company profile and requirements into account when obtaining the program policies and implementing whatever your corporate culture and corporate structure enables us to.

Resistance may occur when changing local insurers or local brokers. That requires not only a sensitive approach but also an intense persuasion. This also applies to the CEOs of foreign subsidiaries that don’t like to be supervised by the (German) parent company.

Broker network:
coordinated service 

We ensure a coordinated customer service with the help of our global broker network unisonSteadfast. Our network partners know the agreed international insurance programs and ensure the local service and support.

Country specific coverages are obtained locally.


We ensure transparency with our RMK-Extranet. On request, you get access to your insurance program. You can inform yourself about local policies, claims development, visit reports or country-specific factors at all times.

We carry out benchmark analyses regarding the insured sums and check the plausibility to get a worldwide valid waiver of underinsurance from the insurers.

We represent your interests

We are your outsourced insurance department and represent your interests towards your insurer.

We make sure that the policies are up to date, the concepts are regularly reviewed and you are kept informed about the current developments in the insurance market. We also determine an adequate market price by conducting regular tenders. This is not a one-time project but an ongoing process.

We concentrate on large claims because they can be a threat to the very existence of your company. With this in mind we develop your concept. We have many years of experience in settling large claims. This is a fundamental part of our insurance concepts. The same employee provides you with comprehensive support regarding contract and loss management. So there are no handovers or delays due to training new employees in contract management.

The strategy in the case of a claim has to be adjusted in advance to settle the claim for you successfully. Please use our professional competence and our expertise. The management works closely together with the taskforce and coordinates the negotiations e.g. with your insurer.